Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The process  for makeing a short film is actually harder than i thoght.I knew it would be hard but putting all the different seans together i think is the hardest. i think its so hard because im filming on my phone and there all kinda jumbled up in my gallery and the stuff i dont need im scared to delete it because im kinda confused on whitch one is witch.hopefully ill have it all together on the day of presintation.
The actors i have for my short film work really good tho but the props that i need are actually hard to get because im on sutch a small budget but ill work with what i have because alot of great films are mad up in a small budget witch in my case is about 30 dollars.
One thing thats been helping me the most is a website named shortoftheweek.com and its actually opening my mind to alot of creative ideas and im alomst ready to present i just gotta do a few more things and ill moste likely have a film going thats awsome

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